A start...

It's all a bit cliché I guess. But maybe it is cliché - and that doesn't matter.  I want this to be my experiences and I don't want to hold back from anything.  This is the real me, the me I tried so hard to hide for so long.  The parts that I could never accept.

I have learnt over time that I am a lot more expressive in writing than talking.  I hope that this blog will enable me to express what I have been through both to myself and to those around me.  I want people to know me, I really do.  And who knows, maybe this will help others to open up too.  As much as this helps me, I want my experiences to help others who are going through similar experiences. No-one can fight mental illness alone. And even if I only manage to help one person overcome depression, anxiety or any other form of psychological illness, I will feel I have made a difference.

Publishing this blog to Facebook will probably be my biggest step to change!  I feel that anyone who I am friends with deserves to know more about me... Ideally my fear of being judged should not take over my life!  I'm still unsure whether this is going to happen.  It largely depends on the response of the few people I have sent this link to.  I guess I'll see.

The responses I have received so far have been positive and I thank those who have provided me with feedback.  It means a lot to me that you are there for me.



  1. Good luck with this Rivkah! We should all get insiparition and understanding from each other to help get over our issues!

  2. i guess mayb because this whole period in ur life only started at the end of high school and i havnt seen much of u since, i didnt really notice much change in u (except that u lost weight n look good in wateva u wear!). i want u to know that i do not think of u any different now that uv shared with us wat uv been going through! i admire ur courage and will always cherish the wonderfull memories we hav from school together...going to ur house.....ur funny funny brother etc.


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