
It's Monday morning AGAIN?!!!

Having hardly slept last night, I woke up this morning a little grumpy.  I sometimes wonder when I will be 'normal' again.  Kind of a weird question when I have claimed that I am not any less normal than anyone else.  Well, maybe I was wrong?  Nah.  I think we are all a little abnormal in our own way.  We have weaknesses in different areas - we are human beings!  Agreed?!?

My biggest fear is that I will be left with these bruises for life.  When I say bruises, I mean the agonising thoughts about the purpose of life, the insomnia that desperately tries to keep me up at a time when no one else in the world is around and the anger that I feel every time I eat the 'wrong' thing.  It frustrates me that I have no control over these feelings.  But I do.  Maybe not the initial feelings I have, but the way in which I respond to them is well within my control.

I saw this saying  the other day and it encapsulates so much:

"My worst battle is between what I know versus what I feel."

Right, got to get up! Have a good day! Xx


  1. Inspiring post goosey <3 definitely can relate. and what a great quote! xx

  2. Thank you Martha! And thank you for taking the time to comment! Xx

  3. Keep going Rivkah!!

    You still do not realise just how talented you are.

    This is now going onto my favourites.


  4. Thank you S! I really hope that with your help I can help many others with all this!! And please do keep checking :) Looking forward to seeing you next week!


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