A better day!

Well, I am feeling better than yesterday - I can tell by the lack of road rage when in my KA!

My pledge to keep sending this blog out more is getting more difficult. I really want to be able to publicise it more - not for myself, but for the awareness it can bring.  But there is still that very scared part of me.  Scared of this openness and the feeling of being exposed.  Anyone who has tried to open up to someone will have felt that little bit of regret afterwards wondering if maybe they had said too much.  But I don't want to look back and regret what I write.  There is no judgement on here so nothing I write is right or wrong.

I appreciate it so much when people text me or message me in some way to let me know that they have connected to something I have written; it makes me realise I do have a purpose and that opening this blog was the right thing to do.  It does feel a little narcissistic though!  But the purpose was never just to be about me feeling better; it was to help other people see that they are not alone.  And I think its has been of use to some people and as long as this is so I shall keep going!

Speaking to a few people yesterday once again showed me that no one is perfect; no one will feel good at all times, but as long as we can breathe through the harder times and accept them a little bit more each time, they will get easier to deal with and take up less room in our heads.

Hoping that today is a good day for y'all!

Rivkah x


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