Your thoughts

Hullo there!  Ok, I'll admit, my blogging last week was abysmal.  Every time I tried to write a post I found myself nodding off (didn't realise how boring I could be!).  Decided to give myself a rest and start anew Saturday evening.  So here I am.

Since writing this blog and sending it to the public, I have found myself answering various questions from readers of my blog wanting to know more about my experiences.  I have tried my best to answer these on a 1-2-1 basis, but today, I have some questions I want to ask in return; answers to which I would really love to see written publicly in the comments section below.  The questions are:

  • Prior to reading this blog, what were your thoughts on mental health? 

  • Has this blog (alongside my website) helped you understand more about this topic?  

  • Is there anything else you think would be helpful to write about?  

  • Do you have any further questions about treatments and recovery?

I would really appreciate to hear your views on this in the comments section below. Alternatively  you can message me on my Facebook Page here. It would be great to hear an objective view from you; whether you have suffered with a mental illness yourself, you know someone who has, or even if you have never really heard much about these conditions. Don't be afraid; just say what you think!

It will help other people to see your questions and will enable me to know what would be helpful.

I also wanted to give an update job situation. I mentioned in my post last week about my latest redundancy at work.  I have since applied for a new job within the same organisation, been interviewed for the post and been offered the job.  I am eternally grateful for this!  Thank you to everyone (particularly my work colleagues) for your support the past couple of weeks; and I am so glad I will be able to continue working within Jewish Care.

I promise another post coming soon - it is currently in the pipeline :) 

Thank you!


  1. Hi, with regards to ur questions, I have a close family member who suffers from mental health and I always found myself thinking, 'jst move on' but reading all ur posts has made me actually understand her in a way that I never have before. I have started treating her differently now all thanx to u!
    now for a q -
    she is at a very low rite now and is refusing to seek any help at al, from your experience how would you suggest we help her in the best possible way?
    thanx for this most amazing blog which has made me gain an imence understanding into the mind of those suffering.
    continue being so strong and helping others.

    1. Hi there, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my blog post! I appreciate it a lot. With regards to your first part - I am so so glad that this has helped you understand your family member better. There is nothing worse than telling someone who is depressed to 'get a grip' - believe me if they knew how to get themselves out of it they would. Care and support of friends and family members are what help a person recover.

      I would like to answer your question properly in a new post if that is ok with you - I will do my best to do this within the week.

      Thank you so much!



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