Who turned the lights out?

Not such a good week.

Just gotta get through one day at a time.

Be back when I find the light switch.

R Xx


  1. Rivkah, everyone has their ups and downs but it doesn't stop friends being friends.

    We're all here for you!

    Love Devorah xxx

  2. Rivkah, i dnt think the lights are ever on.. We just kinda put one foot in front of the other and stumble along, with the help of occasional flashes of light showing us the right direction! Hang in there! Lotsa love xx Cheved

  3. Try not to worry about the light switch, just find a torch first. And a Starbucks. ;-)


    1. Thanx Sam... YOu just made me smile for the first time today! Really appreciate your support xxx


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