Rivkah, i dnt think the lights are ever on.. We just kinda put one foot in front of the other and stumble along, with the help of occasional flashes of light showing us the right direction! Hang in there! Lotsa love xx Cheved
It feels like an age since I last wrote on here though it has only been three days. I kind of miss not writing every day but I must admit I do not have the emotional capacity to do so! A lot of things have come up in the past few days, yet I have still felt this strange emptiness. The feeling that I have opened myself up to the world and have nothing left to give. It scares me. However, given the amount of talking I managed to do in therapy today I see that me running dry of thoughts and words is a highly unlikely phenomena - in the near future at least! Therapy. I haven't really spoken much about therapy and the people who have helped me get to where I am. I don't think this is the appropriate place to write anything in specific detail, but I suppose a brief understanding of what has helped me in a therapist/client relationship may help others to see what could make therapy work for them. I think I should start off with a confession. ...
My pledge to put this on Facebook has been placed on hold for the moment. For now I am just going to send it to at least one person every day. Slowly but surely I will conquer the world! Seriously it is getting easier though. I haven's lost anyone as of yet. If anything it has drawn me closer to the people I know. And for that I am thankful. Not just for that, but for all I have gone through in my life. Nothing happens without reason. I may not have seen that 2 years ago, or even 6 months ago, but with hindsight I can see and appreciate the path my life has taken. I often wonder what my life would have been without depression. Where would I be now? Would I be married? Would I have children? Would I have my career as a top lawyer set out for me? I used to compare myself to the world around me and see how far behind I was. Everyone seemed to be moving on and I was stuck in a little hole. The probl...
So exhausted, but desperate to post. So much on my mind and need to spill some out on here. I take no responsibility for anything I say after 2230 generally as I turn into a pumpkin; but I'll make an exception tonight! Anyway, something I have been wondering about for a while now and would love to hear what you think! My query is about a phrase in Vayikra (Leviticus 19:18) (also sung by the Yeshiva Boys Choir!). "והבתה לרעך כמוך" [Veohavta lerayacha kemocha] - "Love thy neighbour as thyself" The translation of this sentence is self explanatory. We must love our 'neighbour' (not to be taken literally of course; dependent on where you live or how much noise they make) as we love ourselves. The implication of this is that we love ourselves. For if we do not love ourselves, how can we do this for others. In effect, by filling ourselves with a sense of hatred, harming ourselves in some way or by not caring for ourselves, we are in turn en...
Rivkah, everyone has their ups and downs but it doesn't stop friends being friends.
ReplyDeleteWe're all here for you!
Love Devorah xxx
Rivkah, i dnt think the lights are ever on.. We just kinda put one foot in front of the other and stumble along, with the help of occasional flashes of light showing us the right direction! Hang in there! Lotsa love xx Cheved
ReplyDeleteTry not to worry about the light switch, just find a torch first. And a Starbucks. ;-)
Thanx Sam... YOu just made me smile for the first time today! Really appreciate your support xxx