Another day, another post...

My pledge to put this on Facebook has been placed on hold for the moment.  For now I am just going to send it to at least one person every day.  Slowly but surely I will conquer the world!

Seriously it is getting easier though.  I haven's lost anyone as of yet.  If anything it has drawn me closer to the people I know.  And for that I am thankful.  Not just for that, but for all I have gone through in my life.

Nothing happens without reason.  I may not have seen that 2 years ago, or even 6 months ago, but with hindsight I can see and appreciate the path my life has taken. 

I often wonder what my life would have been without depression.  Where would I be now?  Would I be married? Would I have children? Would I have my career as a top lawyer set out for me?  I used to compare myself to the world around me and see how far behind I was.  Everyone seemed to be moving on and I was stuck in a little hole.  The problem is, the more you think in that way, the more you believe that you are a failure and that you won't ever succeed leading to apathy and depression.

Now I see how much has come about in the past few years of my life.  I may not have completed my degree within 3 years, or found a husband,  but I have gained an understanding of the complexities of the world and the people within it.  I have met so many amazing people over the years, many of whom I am in close contact with still and I treasure the relationships we have.  For those people I was in hospital with two years ago - thank you.  You have helped me understand that I am not alone and were there for me in my worst times.  For those who have managed to open up to me in response to my blog - I appreciate it more than anything else because I know how hard it is to open up.  And for those friends who I may not have opened up to originally; I am sorry I blocked you out, I now see how amazing it is to have you there for me!!!

I saw this today which is something we should all have written somewhere:

See ya tomorrow Xx


  1. You're such an inspiration Rivkah xx I honestly have tears in my eyes reading this. Esther xx

  2. Thank you Esther! Sorry to have made you cry!!!! Xx

  3. Rivkah, I think you are amazing no matter what and you know that!
    I love that quote and am going to print it and put it where I can see it daily!
    Keep inspiring all of us!
    Devorah xx

  4. Thank you Devorah. And thank you for sticking by me throughout!
    I shall definitely try to keep posting!
    Keep looking and feel free to keep commenting! Xx

  5. wow wow,I admire your courage. And its my only wish that your life will only get better.
    Thank you for being an inspiration to me and others.

  6. I admire your bravery in getting it out into the open Rivkah! Contrary to your fears my respect for you has grown. Twas great seeing you again, don't let it go so long again :)
    Love ya, L

  7. I'm not sure who wrote the comment at 21:39, but thank you!
    Libs - thank to you too. You were there with me 2 years ago and I will never forget that you came to see me all the way... Love ya too! x

  8. Rivkah I love reading these!!! Keep it up!! I know how strong u are!!! Wish I wasn't 200miles away or id come give u a hug and go for a froyo (or melyo!) ;) missing ya loads!! Xxxx

  9. Rivkah you never cease to amaze!
    You really are amazing and you've come so far... Keep goin because we are all happy for you.
    X mewe x

  10. Leah & Miri - you are the best! Thank you both for your support in going public! Miss you both so much!!! xx

  11. riv you are amazing and nothing I can say would be enough, love u loads, "the world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places" here for u always


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