
Just to let you know that I am still around and kicking. Still thinking about my blog.  I know this virtual space will always be here for me to muse whatever head-space I am in.  However things have been a little difficult the past few weeks and it has taken all my energy just to keep my head above water (to be discussed in more detail in my next post).

for the moment I wanted to put up the link to my TV interview I did a couple of months ago for 4Thought.  It is being broadcasted live tomorrow evening at 7.55pm on Channel 4. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.  You must remember however that this was an hour long interview cut down in to less that 2 minutes! A lot of the interview was based in the eating disorder, but I feel it is the same across the board with any mental illness.

My main aim was to explain that faith can give you hope and a reason to being, but within the different faith groups, there does need to be more understanding and less stigma attached to mental health.

Got to have an early night but I will definitely be back very soon.



  1. you are the bestest best friend anyone can wish for. love u so much rivkush xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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