Falling down (Metaphorically!)
Hullo. My plans for this afternoon went a little pear-shaped - I was meant to be giving an assignment in tomorrow for my law course, but as I received an extension until next week, instead of spending a good solid 4 hours this afternoon writing up an essay on whether 'Alpha Ltd and Beta Ltd had a successful case of Judicial Review against Gamma Ltd', I spent those four hours under my covers sleeping. Yes, FOUR hours! Nice and refreshed from my well-earned sleep, I have decided that without the immediate pressures of my assignment on my shoulders, I would come on here, and as a friend so kindly hinted to me today, I needed to put a new post up - the old one was kind a getting rather boring (and maybe a little depressing?!). As my life seems to go, there have been some ups and downs (the latter seeming to be a more common theme). I have been wondering over and over how many times a person can fall down and then pick themselves up again? It does seem that although th...