Contact Me

If you would like to contact me, you can email me on

Would love to hear from you!


  1. When you are at your lowest point, like, rock bottom, what helps you up? (besides medication!)

  2. dear Rivkah,
    I was recently made aware of your blog and I read it with admiration how you overcame your obstacles and how honest and in touch you are with all your emotions.
    What bothers me deeply is that I was in your school class and yet never knew - sat together in the same class but wasn't aware of your suffering.
    i am so sorry for your pain and wished I could have been there to help.
    with lots of guilt
    a former classmate

    1. Hi there, I wish I knew who you were so we could be back in touch! I am glad that you found this and even more glad that you took the time to write to me.
      Please don't feel guilty, as I have said before in my blog, I had no idea what was going on inside me, so how could anyone else have known? Seriously, I think at that point I was in my own little world. I don't think anyone could have helped me in that head space. You should never feel guilty! Thankfully things are so much better now and I have had experiences that have really helped me understand life and people. Everything happens for a reason. Something I have to keep reminding myself over and over again! Would be great if you could email me and we can get back in touch! Xxx

  3. Your blog is so inspiring and incredible.


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