About Me

Hi there and thank you for visiting!
My name is Rivkah and I am 34.  Having spent over two decades battling mental illness, I wanted to share my experience with others.  When I started writing this blog explaining my illness to the people around me I received a phenomenal response; from fellow sufferers, from relatives of sufferers and from friends and acquaintances who had NO IDEA about the effect of these illnesses.

I hope that through this site I can bring a much greater awareness of what mental illness is especially in the Jewish community, and to help those finding themselves in the dark place see that they are not alone.

I believe that there is hope;  but there must be understanding.  Even if I only manage to help one person feel that they are not suffering alone I will feel this site has accomplished something.

I owe my family and friends my life.  I could never have got here without them.  

Thank you to each of you for helping me in your own way. 

Any questions, please ask.  Happy to share and happy to help.

Rivkah Xx


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