
Showing posts from July, 2014


It surprises me how I am still taken aback by the power music holds over me. It has the capacity to evoke such strong memories and feelings, often leaving me feeling particularly vulnerable.  It takes me back to old times; and be those times happy or sad, I find myself in floods of tears, unable to remove myself from that place in the past. And each and every time this happens, I find myself wondering how I could have done things differently. This evening, a friend I had met in hospital sent me a link to a music soundtrack she had recorded with her brother just prior to coming into hospital.  The words are of the famous Psalm, 'Mizmor L'Dovid' - 'the song of David'.  I am taken back to that afternoon, sitting in her hospital room, drawing a birthday card for my Mum, singing along to the track.  Almost feeling at peace. I recall suddenly feeling an intense connection to a Higher Being that I had not felt in a long time.  It was then that I realised that ...