Poppa Leslie O'H

On Friday 28th November 2014 (6 Kislev 5775), my dear Grandfather, Poppa Leslie, passed away.

It is now just over three weeks since his passing and I have come to a place in my head where I feel I can write something small about the most amazing person I have ever known.

Poppa Leslie was someone whom no-one can think of without smiling.  Think of a person who has a joke to say for any situation, someone who can make you smile whatever your mood; someone who never complains though is obviously in tremendous pain. This, and so much more, was my grandfather.

I don't think anything I can say can give the 87 years of Poppa's life justice,  There are so many tales, so many stories that I do not know and so many parts of his life I don't have full knowledge of.  But from the parts that I do know I can say that he was a true tzadik; a righteous man.  I cannot think of one bad memory, one thing to say that would cast any negativity on him.

It is hard for me to sit here and write because every time I think of him I am engulfed once again with the sad reminder that I will not ever see his tall frame coming through the door, or hear him tell me one of his jokes again. The night before the funeral, my family were discussing what would be said in the eulogy. My siblings and I were actually crying with laughter at times regaling the fun we had when Poppa was around. The songs he would sing and the quotes he would come out with will stay with us all forever.

In a strange way I felt lucky that I had the opportunity to tell various people of his passing.  I know this may sound strange, especially as it is an extremely difficult thing to do.  However in his case I am grateful because it reminded me each time of his unbelievable greatness.  The fact that I had a long conversation with those who worked in the local chemist shows how far he went to touch people. Although my grandfather (together with my grandmother - may she live to 120)  had only moved to Golders Green four years ago, somehow he had touched those who worked in the Doctors surgery, the pharmacist and even the Manager at the local branch of Santander!

I would like very much to take something upon myself in the memory of Eliezer Ben Yitzchak.  I am still trying to think of what this should be. Any ideas please comment below.

I miss you Poppa, but I know you are in a better place. You will never be forgotten for your kind and generous nature, your patience and your warmth.  This will stay with me and all who knew you for as long as we live.

Rest In Peace


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