Still struggling to come to terms with the loss. This feels so cliché and I apologise for this. I know it can be aggravating to hear people lecture on how to live life positively - o nly you can know and decide how you can and how you want to live your life. But this is just me thinking aloud for myself. These are just my thoughts, my raw, uncensored thoughts. I could barely sleep last night. All I could think about were the two people I have lost in the past 6 or so months. Two people who showed such strength of character even when things were difficult and who I really and truly looked up to. This may sound kind of strange, but at a random time sometimes when I am walking, or maybe just shopping - just mundane tasks really - I feel my Grandpa by my side. I feel closer to my Grandpa in some ways than I did before his passing because I can feel him watching over me. I do feel he sees the actions I take. And...