My comfy shoes

So I've been wearing the most comfy shoes known to man for quite some time now. They are quite literally falling apart but I can't allow myself to get rid of them until I find a suitable replacement. The thing is, what makes them comfortable is the fact that I have worn them in and spent months shaping them to fit snugly on my feet. If you were to put them on, you would more than likely kick them off in disgust firstly due to the fact that they have holes in random places (which may or may not make your feet wet when it rains), but also because they won't fit you like they fit me. Now all of this is a literal comparison to something so much bigger. Something we have all had someone say to us in our lifetime - don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. I find the basic concept of this quite hard. Because if I were to walk a mile in someone else's hypothetical shoes, I would be doing so with my own brain, my own connections to the world around...