
Showing posts from November, 2017

Animal therapy (Piggies on Wheels)

So, winter has come upon us once again; and I, like most people, find this time of year to be a difficult one due to the depressive darkness and cold. However, on the up side, I have recently  started to use the things in my life that keep me going on a daily basis to try help other people. For those not in the know, I am the mother of 16(!) little fluffy things. I have 11 guinea pigs, 3 hamsters and 2 degus . These guys keep me occupied most of my free time and to be honest, are the only things that can get me out of bed most mornings . Animals are amazing therapy when your'e feeling sad or low. They are so precious each in their own way and are thankfully more content with long silences and low eye contact than human beings seem to be! I mean how could you resist this face?! I have recently made the slightly mad decision to start taking them out and about on wheels (well, in a pram) to visit people who need cheering up. So far we...