Not guilty

The beginning of another week.  A good week for all I hope.

Following on from Tuesday's post (ya know, the one on paperclips), I have decided that I am going to post on here twice a week.  Maybe once at the beginning of the week so I can talk about what I hope the week will bring and once at the end of the week when I can reflect on how the week has gone.

I am currently struggling to write what is going on in my head; there seems to be an awful lot of activity in there at the moment!  I'll admit that I feel the perfectionism creeping in, telling me that whatever I write won't be good enough.  I am not going to fall for that again.  And posting this will be another step in the right direction.  This blog is not something that will disappear just because I don't feel good one day.  That is letting illness rule my life.  I want this blog to stay 'whatever the weather' and I want people to see me in whatever place I am. 

A lot of people I sent this to replied saying that I was brave for going public.  This actually made me feel quite guilty, and still does a little.  How can I be brave for writing that I am feeling low and depressed when there are people who are really suffering out there?  How can I complain when I have so much?  Anyone who has suffered from depression can probably say they felt the same guilt.  But logically speaking, can you not break your arm even when everything in your life is going well?  The guilt is part of the depression in disguise and no one suffering out there should feel that they are 'bad' for feeling low.  Every person reading this will have their own hurdles to overcome; whether that is in their physical health, financial troubles or in the many other areas of life.  To feel guilty about these things would seem ludicrous... So too with depression.  No one should feel that they are wrong for what they feel.  Acknowledging and accepting the illness takes you halfway towards recovery.

So I am trying to keep my head up.  Trying not to let the thoughts of guilt and shame overwhelm me.  And I hope that others in a similar place can do the same.  Everyone deserves happiness...

...and sleep! gnite x


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