'Every Little Helps'

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears".

Yes, I know, a little dramatic. Just a little humour to start the week with.  Think it is my way of trying to cheer myself up!  Partly the weather and the long evenings, but I definitely haven't been feeling 'right' for a little while.  Just tired and headachey. Ah well.  No excuse not to blog though.

Busy week ahead which is always helpful.  Running around and keeping busy is one of my greatest fortes.  I tend to plan things ahead of time, needing to know that I don't have time for a nap in the afternoon.  Afternoon naps are NOT for me!  I generally wake up grumpier than the cat that lost its cream.  The problem is my bed has a way of calling me like no one else!  It is so inviting to jump in to close my eyes.

I feel like the tiredness has stagnated my quest to conquer the world. That together with a sense of hopelessness if I am honest!  Again and again I hear stories of illness.  Depression, anorexia, schizophrenia.  How many people in the Jewish community are suffering in silence?

Don't get me wrong,  I know that the 'real world' has problems with stigma too.  But from my experience (seeing it from both angles), it is nowhere near as much as within the Jewish community.  The fear of people finding out and affecting shidduchim takes over and literally paralyses people.  The fear that no one will marry you if you have a problem.  

I read the following in Rabbi Twerski's book, Getting up When You're Down': "There are relatively few families in which there is no incidence of depression or related states.  The question is then whether one is going to marry into a family where there is or was a known incidence of depression, or one where it has been concealed." Kind of brings everything into question really. 

The funny thing was that after thinking about giving up my quest, someone put the following quote on Facebook the well known quote from Steve Jobs, "The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do".  I took it personally...

And as dear old Tesco says... 'Every Little Helps'!

So, I implore, once again...send this out to anyone you know.  Please! Even if you only help one person feel they are not alone, you may even save a life (and unfortunately here I am not being over-dramatic!). 

A great week to y'all and remember to keep talking about this...

Rivkah Xx


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